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World Championship

The world championship has come to an end and thus this season of robpocup junior. This year our students visited the beautiful city Bordeaux, France. After staying in Lyon and exploring Bordeaux for one day, the robocup started. After many exciting games, technical challenges and interviews following final score was certain after those five days: Team Faabs (Soccer Open) → World Champion 🥇 Team Faabs (Soccer Open) → Winner of the “Outstanding Design Award” 🎖️ Team Robotronic (Soccer LightWeight) → Winner of the “Super Team Challenge” 🎖️ Because of these amazing results our local newspaper wrote an articel about us: SWP Artikel

European Championship

The European Open is one of the two international competitions. This year, two teams qualified for the European Open in Varazidin Croatia. After they had made Croatia unsafe for a few days, the RoboCup began on 07.06.2023. After three exciting days filled with games, the results were set. Despite the superiority of the high school graduates, the seventh grade team “Mathimazierer” reached the final. The overall final score was as follows:

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German Open

The GermanOpen is the most important RoboCup Junior competition in Germany. Fortunately all of our five advanced teams qualified for the German Open. We started our trip on the 27. April and started testing our robots. The following three days were filled with exciting games. And these are the results of the German Open 2023: Team Faabs (Soccer Open int.) → Second Place 🥈 Team Faabs (Soccer Open int. Super Team) → First Place 🥇 Team Robotronic (Soccer LightWeight int.

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South German Championship

Last Weekend (04.03.2023 - 05.03.2023) was the South German Championship in Vöhringen. Five out of our eight teams reached the podium and are now qualified for the German Open. The overall final score was as follows: Team Faabs (Soccer Open int.) → Second Place 🥈 Team Robotronic (Soccer LightWeight int.) → Second Place 🥈 Team Mathimazierer (Soccer LightWeight Entry) → Third Place 🥉 Team Nebula (Soccer LightWeight Entry) → Second Place 🥈 Team Nuttelabroetchen (OnStage) → First Place 🥇 Team RoboChip (Rescue Line Entry) → Ninth Place Team Superprogrammierer (Rescue Line Entry) → Tenth Place Team Die belegten Brötchen (Rescue Line Entry) → 34.

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